In today's La Nacion an interview with Lionel Messi
"Those are all lies. They're absurdities that do not deserve a response. I would like to know from where all that came from and what is being sought."
"But I'm not interested in talking about it because it was all invented."
Q - Was the team satisfied with the draw against Brasil?
M - The entire game we were very superior to Brasil, they created one or two scoring chances and the rest was all us. We proved that we can compete against a big team. We could have won the game if I had scored in one of the plays where I was in front of the goal.
Q - What do you think of the arguments that have been made that the team can not defeat Brasil without its stars?
M - When we lose, we don't talk about the Brazilian A team or Brazilian B team. I think we always take the initiative and playing as visitors. We had the clearest scoring chances but we did not have luck in front of the goal. The team was able to control Brasil and create goal scoring opportunities. We weren't able to score but we played well.
Q - The last 3 games the team earned 2 points. How do you see the team going forward?
M - I see it well. With alot of faith in our game. We have great players. Even though some look at the 2 points we earned in these last few games, we are doing well and are close to the first place team. As more games are played we are going to be more secure in how the team functions. I don't think we'll have any problems but anyway that'll be shown in each game. The WC Qualifiers are not easy but we feel calm.
Q - You made your official debut in the 2006 WC Qualifiers, when Argentina was already qualified. Now it is different. Do you feel more pressure?
M - I don't think about the issue of pressure. What I'm experiencing now is without a doubt totally different. When the team was already qualified it played with more calm. Whereas now I'm playing from the start and I hope that I can be in all the WC Qualifiers and be important to Argentina.
Q - In Barcelona and in Argentina you've been in locker rooms with well known players. Are there similarities?
M - No, because with Barcelona I'm there alot more of the time. The only similarity is that in Barcelona there are good individual talents and on the national team too. In every place where I am I try to enjoy the comradarie. And I enjoy every callup alot.
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